Monday, March 19, 2007

Transitioning – Dan Southerland

As the American church continues to marvel at and imitate the Purpose Driven Church model set forth by Rick Warren at Saddleback Church in California, most church leaders are dealing with churches that are set in their ways, anchored in tradition (be it good or bad). Starting from scratch, the idea of developing a purpose driven church is a simple task. The traditions and practices that begin with the church are those that foster the kind of activity that Warren has experienced.

What do you do when you know you should lead a church the direction of reaching the unchurched and the only way the church members know how to do church reaches only dyed in the wool church goers. Dan Southerland’s answer: Transition. Southerland has written a book which identifies an eight-step process to transitioning from a stagnant, ungrowing church, into a vibrant, living, breathing house of God that reaches people with the Gospel.

Pick up a copy and breath life into your church.

—Benjamin Potter, March 2007

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